Customer Service

Friday, March 28, 2025

Payment Options

Automatic Bank Pay

Enjoy the convenience that over 2100 WMU customers utilize for free.

Choose from checking or savings.
Call our office at 320-235-4422 for more information.

Pay by Phone

Use our automated phone system to make a credit card payment. Simply dial 1-877-932-2639 and follow the prompts.

Click here to access your account.  Make an online payment, check your usage or view your history.

Click here for QUICK PAY.  Make an online payment without having to login

Pay in Person

Drop Boxes collected M-F

Cashwise Foods
1300 5th St SE
Cub Foods, 2201 1st St S

Customer Deposits:

A)    A deposit shall be paid by all customers who do not hold title to the real property at the customer’s service address. Owners of condominiums and townhouses are owners of real estate.

B)    The Municipal Utilities Commission shall from time to time by resolution set the deposit requirements for residential customers, found on the current schedule of charges.

C)    For commercial customers required to pay a deposit, the deposit shall be $1000 Commercial deposits may be satisfied by payment in cash, by posting a performance bond payable to the Willmar Municipal Utilities or as described in item ”F” below,

D)    New residential rental customers who have an “on-time” payment history of twelve (12) consecutive months established with the Willmar Municipal Utilities within the last two (2) years, shall not be required to pay a deposit. The deposit requirement of a new residential rental customer may be waived if the customer has established a payment history of twelve (12) consecutive months of on-time payments in the most recent period with another electric utility provided the payment history is verified directly with that electric utility and a valid social security number is provided for the account holder. Paid deposits subsequently determined to be waived under this section may be credited to the customer’s account or refunded by check to the customers at the Municipal Utilities option.

E) Deposits may be assigned or transferred from one customer to another by using prescribed forms and only by appearing in person at the Municipal Utilities office.

F) The owner of the real property at the customer’s service address may satisfy the deposit requirement of their tenant by either paying the deposit for the tenant or signing a “Guarantee of Payment Agreement” with the Municipal Utilities Commission.

G) The billing for utility service shall remain in the property owner’s name until the renter’s/lessor’s deposit requirement is satisfied in full.

H) Cash deposits shall earn interest at an annual percentage rate determined by the Minnesota Department of Commerce. Interest earned shall be credited automatically by reducing the December bill or at the time the deposit is returned, whichever comes first.

I) Deposits on residential accounts will be returned on the next regular billing after a customer has made twelve (12) consecutive “on-time” payments when a valid social security number is provided for the account holder or when a final bill is issued on an account. Deposits on commercial accounts will be returned (or the bond will be released) on the next regular billing after a commercial customer has made twenty-four (24) consecutive “on-time” payments or when a final bill is issued on an account. If a credit balance remains on a “final” account, the credit balance shall be refunded by check within forty-five (45) days of final billing. Refunds of $1.00 or less will not be sent except upon written request of the customer. Except under extenuating circumstances, in the event of a lost refund check the stop-payment charge shall be deducted from the proceeds of a replacement check.

J) Customers will not be required to pay additional deposits due to increased deposit rates or additional utility services added.

K) If a customer’s utility service is disconnected for non-payment, a new deposit shall be required if there is no deposit presently on record or if the deposit is less than that required in the current deposit schedule. Payment of a new or additional deposit shall be made within 30 days of restoration of service.