Click below on the desired form below to open it in a PDF. Forms can be returned via email ([email protected]), delivered to our dropbox or mailed to PO Box 937, Willmar, MN  56201. For questions about these forms, please call Customer Service at 320-235-4422.

Application for New Commercial Service: This form MUST be completed and returned to our office in one of the methods listed above before service can begin.

Application for New Residential Service: This form MUST be completed and returned to our office in one of the methods listed above before service can be put into your name.

Authorization for Automatic Bank Pay: If you wish to have your monthly bill paid directly from your bank account, complete this form and return it to our office at the address above with a voided check.

Disconnect Service: If you are moving to a non-WMU service location, please complete this form and return to our office in one of the methods listed above.

Inability to Pay: (Cold Weather Rule): The Minnesota Cold Weather Rule gives you certain rights and responsibilities while granting protection from electric utility disconnection between October 1st through April 30th.

HeatShare: The Salvation Army HeatShare program provides assistance to those struggling to pay their heating bills and have exhausted all other options.

Medical Alert Status Waiver: If you are a customer who requires life-sustaining medical equipment, download this form and complete it (with medical certification). Return to WMU by email, mail or fax (see “Contact WMU” for address information).

Minnesota Energy Assistance Application: The Minnesota Energy Assistance program provides assistance to those struggling to pay heat costs, and or seek help in Weatherizing their homes.

New Construction Request Form: If you require construction of new electric or water service, or if you require modification to an existing electric or water service, please complete this form.  This form can also be used to request a quote for construction of new electric or water service.