Minnesota Electric and Natural Gas Utilities
MN Energy Efficiency Potential Studies
The Minnesota Department of Commerce has hired the Center for Energy and the Environment and Seventhwave to conduct research about energy and energy efficiency opportunities available to Minnesota’s residential electric and gas customers. The information collected from this study will help the utilities design effective and appropriate energy efficiency programs and equipment rebates for their residential customers.
The study includes both telephone surveys of customers and on-site/field visits, described in further detail below.
Telephone Survey
Residential customers may be asked to complete a 10-15 minute telephone survey on their energy using appliances and equipment, building characteristics and demographics. Some customers from the telephone survey will also be asked if they are interested in participating in an in-person site visit/interview.
Customers will be selected randomly.
Time frame: July 19, 2017 – September 30, 2017
How survey implementers will identify themselves:
Callers will identify themselves as representing Leede Research, the firm conducting the survey on behalf of the Minnesota Department of Commerce.
What customers will be asked to do:
Answer questions about their household, energy-using equipment, and building characteristics, as well as demographic data.
The information will be used to assist in determining the energy savings possible among Minnesota residential utility customers.
On-site Visits
Your residential customers, if called for the telephone survey, will also be asked to participate in a site visit of their home and an in-person interview. The 3-4 hour visit will comprise an inventory of all energy-using equipment, an investigation of building characteristics, and a blower door test to measure air leakage. The interview will explore household practices, attitudes, and perceptions concerning energy usage. Customers will receive a monetary incentive of $100 (a Visa gift card or equivalent) for participation.